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This Isn't Cute. Here's Why:


I wanted to take a second to talk about what interactions are safe with different species' of birds. When we have different types of birds as pets, it might feel natural to let them interact and play together (after all, they're both birds and prey animals, what's the harm?).

Unfortunately, each different species of bird has different temperaments, and more importantly, bite strength. I can't tell you how many tragedies I've seen and heard about because different-sized birds weren't housed appropriately or protected from larger birds.

*Please note, there are graphic images of injured birds at the bottom of the page. View at your discretion. They will be shared after another content warning.


A little over a year ago, I helped in a situation where a budgie had been injured by a larger bird. This budgie had been caged with a cockatiel for several years with no problem, the owner even going as far as to say that "they were best friends" and "inseparable". The owner had been cautioned before to separate them, but she refused. The birds had coexisted safely for many years.

Until they didn't.

One morning, the cockatiel RIPPED the beak off of the budgie. The owner wasn't able to take him to a vet, so I took him in that evening. I gave him supportive care throughout the night to take him to my vet the next morning, but he unfortunately did not make it.

Now, there were likely a few factors that contributed to this happening, and I won't even try to say what changed. Hormones? Maybe the cockatiel got spooked? Or the budgie just kept on trying to play and the cockatiel had enough? Whatever it was, the end result was the same. They were okay together. Until they weren't.


I'm not trying to say that I don't believe budgies and cockatiels can't safely interact, but to illustrate how even with 2 small birds, how much damage can be done.

This isn't to say that you can't have safe inter-species relationships (within reason). Alike-sized birds with similar temperaments can interact safely. I personally am comfortable with budgies, bourkes, cockatiels, etc. interacting together outside of a cage when supervised, but they should not share a cage. For conures and larger, I would not recommend allowing interaction with these smaller birds.

And then there are other factors at play. A cage is different than a large aviary. If they aren't cooped up together as much, they won't be at each other's throats. Not saying that you should house finches in an aviary with a cockatoo, but budgies, bourkes, cockatiels, etc., may work well together, with enough space.


There are those that will argue that even the same species can hurt each other. While there always is an inherent risk even when keeping the same species together, the level of damage a budgie can do to a budgie is so much less than a quaker (a relatively small parrot) can do to a budgie.

Additionally, different types of birds have different methods of communication and body language. What is normal communication and playing to a budgie can be seen as harassment and lack of respect of boundaries to a cockatiel. What is a simple attempt to correct behavior to a quaker can mean a lifetime disfigured and handicapped to a lovebird.

While accidents can happen even with the same species, the severity and amount of instances are so much worse with different species.


When housing birds, there are so many intricacies to inter-species relationships. Should they share a cage? Are they okay in separate cages, but interacting in a neutral territory? Do they need separate rooms, so no one can land on a cage and get their toes bit? So much to think about.

You can supervise as much as you want, but it only takes a second.

Don't tempt fate. Please keep your babies safe 💔

*Injury photos are at the bottom of the page.

























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